Ok, so clearly this is not correct, but if you hang out with my husband long enough you too will learn to switch words to nursery rhymes! Another favorite of his is "I love you, you love me, were a happy family, with a knick-knack patty wack give the dog a bone, this old man came rolling home!" Well, that is not the highlight of what is going on in the Wood household, but it sure keeps us entertained!
Alivia will be turning 4 months old tomorrow! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up! She has now learned to roll over and is doing this quite frequently now. The only thing that frightens me now is the fact that she still likes to be swaddled and I don't want her to roll over on her belly at night swaddled. I am only swaddling her from her waist down now so that she can use her arms to push off if needed, but I still worry! She is also talking and giggling like crazy! I absolutely love it! She is such a good baby and we are so blessed. I am enjoying the fact that she is sleeping 11 to 12 hours at night now and I am hoping that mom can do the same shortly! :) By that I mean I still go and check on her to see if she has rolled over on her face. :) I need to completely give my worries to God because he is in control of everything. I have to keep telling myself that.

I will do a better job of keeping everyone informed of her and our family. I am sorry I haven't been on in so long!
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